Sunday, December 20, 2015

Character Profile: Audrey Holland

 "--I'm so sorry!"

Full Name: Audrey Holland
Specialization: Data Analysis
Age: 25
Birthplace: San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Education: B.A. in Statistical Mathematics

Easily flustered, constantly apologetic and always polite, Audrey Holland insists on getting along with everyone as well as possible. She's dog crazy to a fault, though, and if you let her she'll talk your ears off. You suspect she's not nearly as one-dimensional as she seems.


  1. All four are too masculine for my taste, and not very attractive to look at. Could be a lightning issue, but I'd suggest toning down jaw and chin bone structure, and using iRay instead.

  2. Also, definitely try to find some better textures for the hair, perhaps a bump map and/or SS maps.

    1. I used the Eve Online character maker for the models, and they're basically mockups. I want to use my own hand-drawn illustrations once I'm proficient enough.

  3. I liked this one.. are you working in some project or this is just to practice?
