Wednesday, February 18, 2015

AIF Toolkit v1.0.1

Despite the version numbering, version 1.0.1 is a fairly significant release and includes some critical bugfixes and a few new features. Probably most critically is that Hybrid Choices is now compatible with the very newest version of Flexible Windows. You'll need to download the version of Flexible Windows here if you want to use it with Hybrid Choices.

Version 1.0.1 can be downloaded here.

Important changes:
-- New functions in ALC let you create a list of garments that cover a specific area.
-- Documentation for Penetration has been updated.
-- A critical bug in Penetration has been fixed.
-- Bug fix for Simpler AIF where if you make the player a kind of person at the beginning of the game, it doubles their organs (thanks to the author that found this).
-- Hybrid Choices is once again compatible with Flexible Windows, allowing you to create choice-windows (thanks to Hanon Ondricek for alerting me to the new version).

I know a few of you use Threaded Conversation, and I wanted to bring your attention to what I think is a very promising conversation extension called Stacked Conversation. I haven't tested it extensively, but it has some really interesting ideas and definitely deserves a little more notice. You can download it from the Intfiction thread.

I wanted to also give you the AIF Toolkit Recipe Book and a sample game, but these both still need a little more work but I can safely say that they're far enough along now that they will be coming. The game is, I admit, pretty bad, not really something to wait for with bated breath. My problem with writing sample games is that I try to get too fancy, and then I end up attempting a Picasso instead of a Bob Ross. Basically, it's bad on purpose and you shouldn't think of it as anything other than a demonstration.


  1. How do I tell Inform that a pussy is exposed if the worn crotch garment is shifted and make it work on all females? I've tried everything combination of wording I can think of. It's probably something simple, usually is lol

  2. Did you try this?

    Some panties are a kind of underwear.
    Shifting behavior for panties (called the item):
    adjust the item over {crotch area}.
    [end code]

    As for making it work only for women, I'd just make a special garment for women and make sure only they can wear it.

    Another point, you can't make something exposed by fiat. When you ask if something is exposed, ALC basically is trying to figure out whether it's covered by a closed garment and, if it is, it is exposed.

    Anyways, let me know if you are still having issues.

  3. Well that code snippet handles shifting panties in a whole lot less code than I was trying. Thanks for that. Great job on the whole Toolkit also! I still have a lot to learn about Inform yet so expect more dumb questions! Had no idea you could use curly braces,

  4. Yay for updates!

    Does "adjust the item over {area} just toggle exposure?

    1. Technically, no. It adds those areas to a list property called Opened Areas. When testing for exposure, if the area is listed under the Opened Areas of a garment, it skips that garment. Exposure is not toggleable, you can't just say "now X is exposed". If you wanted to force something exposed, you'd need to use the Clothing Accessibility Rules.

  5. Hey, I can view the files on (dropbox?) but not download them. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using Chrome on a Mac.

    1. You should be able to download them. Look for a download button.
