Friday, September 13, 2013

Should I Throw Away the Transformation Elements?

I've been thinking very hard about my game for the past few days. There's something I'd appreciate a bit of input on.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist. If something doesn't fulfill my internal quality-control, it's not likely it's going to get done. I get a nagging feeling in my chest, something that tells me that something is wrong. I get that feeling when I work on this game. I think I understand now what is bothering me.

#1: There are people who are more interested in the soccer elements and not at all interested in the TF elements. Others are more interested in the TF elements and not at all interested in the soccer elements. It appears that the latter group is in the minority. It is bad game design to have one half of the game barely tolerable by half the players. There's just very little demand for soccer sims with TF. People just seem much more excited about the soccer and very "meh" about the TF.

#2: There is a debate in AIF as to how much the PC should be a reflection of the player and how much they should be a character in their own right. The former camp says that the protagonist should be basically a nameless shell to allow the player to reflect them as accurately as possible. The latter camp argues that nameless PCs are never practically going to provide a satisfactory level of freedom to players, so you might as well make them interesting characters in their own right. I am in the latter group, but this game would have plowed brave new ground into my side. Ultimately, I was getting uncomfortable with the amount of kinks, neuroses and so forth I was imposing on the player, and that was required to move the story forward.

#3: The scope of the game was too large and varied to accomplish in any sort of timely or quality fashion. There needs to be no contradiction between quality and quantity if one is willing to sacrifice their lives to work on something. I'm not that sort of person. Me wanna haf fun.

What needs to be understood is that I started this game out as a TF game with a soccer mini-game thrown in to add a little interest. Now, the main draw appears to be the soccer mini-game. A soccer management game with sex thrown in hasn't really been done before, and I think that sounds like a lot of fun. And, I might as well add the soccer mini-game is pretty technically sophisticated. It took about a month of (intensive) development to create. You can download it off the AIF Archive.

So, if you haven't guessed already, I'm considering tossing out the TF elements and focusing purely on expanding the soccer management elements. You're a male, from start of game to end of game. I haven't decided if that male character will be named or unnamed; Erin, formerly the PC, will become an NPC. You manage a girl's soccer team. The characters will be the same. You train the girls, you can romance them, you resolve their differences to make them a better team.

So here is the new premise I'm considering:

Erin, star player for the Easton Egrets, has disappeared, leaving her old team in a state of chaos. Interpersonal rivalries have reached a breaking point, and everyone's been neglecting their training. An outsider needs to come in to reform and restore the Easton Egrets to being the greatest soccer team New Suffolk has ever seen.

If I choose to do this, I won't exactly be starting from scratch but I will be basically throwing away months of work. I'm fine with throwing away months of work. God knows I've done it before (...though... I do have plans for saving some of the sex scenes I've already written... B-D ). This will also mean I'm returning to the working title of "Soccer Game", although hopefully I'll come up with something a little more creative soon.

So, if you have any suggestions about what I should do, now is the time to let me know.


  1. Although to say that I find TF less than interesting is an understatement, you're still free to create the game you want. I think leaving out the TF would increase the amount of people that would play the game, although whether that is a factor that's important to you is something for you to decide. I'm also found of the NPC being a blank slate, for the reasons you described. The more they get detailed, the less I can identify with them personally. Again, this is a personal thing, and a lot of people feel differently.

    You are correct that a soccer sim seems much more unique than a TF game. Certainly, there seems to have been a great deal more buzz about that aspect of it than the TF part you announced later.

    To sum this up, basically do what you want to do. I do think what you're considering will create a more focused game with a broader appeal, but it all comes down to what you really want to create.

  2. I think the game 'Dear Brian' is one of the few, (if only) AIF games to pull off TF well without sacrificing what the majority of players wanted. It's a daunting task so I understand.

  3. I'll be one of what I'm sure will be a number of votes that you should just make the game you want to make. Unless it's going to be a commercial game I don't see any real point in worrying about the audience, especially since if it's free a lot of people will probably give it a shot even if they aren't that interested in the TF stuff.

  4. I think it is fair to say that doing what you want is most important. If development starts feeling like work, then that is a good sign that it's time to try something different. If you can continue making the mini game and still drop it into the main game later then that is a good thing to shoot for. Even if you can't use the things you've already written for the main game, it is at least more experience in making games and stuff. Good luck to you.

  5. About your #2 point : I like to be able to identify myself as the character I play. But it doesn't have to be an empty shell, it doesn't have to be exactly "me". The character just has to be "someone I could be" and actually the more you describe the character, the more I'm able to understand him and "be him".

  6. I don't think you should spend another second of your time thinking about what type of content your game should have in order to appeal to a larger player base. In the end it has to be a game you want to make, or you'll probably halt development half-way through due to boredom, and it wouldn't be as good. If you want the TF elements in there, go ahead.

  7. Suggested new name: Football Romancer 2014.

    That is all.
