Saturday, September 21, 2013


A lot of progress has been made, I've been working on the game pretty much every day. I can't explain it: in my view, there is very little in the world more purifying that deleting loads of your own work. It is like losing 20 pounds. So, I won't say that I am where I was when I restarted, purely in terms of word count I'm about 10,000 words behind, but I do feel like I'm much closer to being into the meat of the game.

The skeleton of day 1 is finished, which is the "set-up" of the game. Only the most basic level of team customization is in, in that you can rename your team now. There won't be a game effect but you will get funny reactions from people if you name your team something weird.

I'm working on the recruitment right now. There are going to be about 12 recruitable characters. I'm not sure how many of those will have romantic sub-plots and interactive scenes... ideally all, but I don't think I'm going to have the time to do all that. In any case, to recruit a character you have to complete a mini-CYOA sequence, and how to get those CYOA sequences to follow properly after the other is the challenge for the moment.

Anyways, that's all for now. It's churning along now, and hopefully I won't be deleting tens of thousands of words again.


  1. Are you British? There should be a switch to have "soccer" called "football" as a brit myself, soccer is off putting :D

    1. I am half American, half British... sort of :). I use "Soccer" because it is not ambiguous. Also, since the game takes place in the United States, Soccer is the natural choice. Personally, I'm partial to calling it football, since I'm not a particular fan of American football, so I'll definitely consider it.
