Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thank you so much!

While I was obsessively watching my Amazon Sales Rank yesterday, I learned that I was voted Best New Author of 2013! Thanks to everyone who voted, not just for me, but for anyone. I'm also honored that Bad Sister was the honorable mention (snicker) for Game of the Year of 2013. I'm not surprised that Pervert Action: Future won... that's very stiff competition, and I tip my hat to BBBen for that.


  1. I would have voted it 1st in either of the other two years before it, i just really liked Pervert Action Future.

  2. I was nearly sure of your victory, not only for your skills, but because the pictures created by goblinboy helped to create a familiar sensation and I think that in some moments were a bit more than a nice addition (for example I am thinking when they described the two sisters as similar but different as aspect or the guest star Jenny).
    In any case these pictures could only help to appreciate your game, but if so many voted you was for the story and the writing, the game wasn't big, but for me your skills were clear.
    I have also appreciate like "errors" didn't mean a bad end (like the porno career ending), maybe it's not the best result, but the consequences could not be completely negative for the protagonist.
    For doing other examples, seen that we spoke of Goblinboy, if I remember well you could have a single threesome with Jenny and friend even if cured, or a still better example, in Tesliss equation if you gave the formula and provoked the extermination, for you was easier to end with the girls.
    All those events weren't forced but they seemed logical, but an author can do this only if he has a complete grasp on the story and this, for me, is a great plus.

