Thursday, November 5, 2015

Drawing Again - Art and AIF

I've decided I'd really like some graphics for my next game, but I don't want to shell out the money for complex graphics programs and all the assets that come with it. So yesterday I bought myself an early Christmas present: an Intuos draw tablet, and I've been playing around with it ever since.

Believe it or not, I used to be a reasonably good sketch artist. I'm not so much anymore, I'm just not in the position to draw for fun like I used to. So it's not just getting used to the tablet, it's reaching my former level of proficiency.

A self-portrait. Sort of. Of my own internet avatar, not of myself. I'm much handsomer in real life.

As you can see, it's going to be a bit before I can draw something legit nice. The best I can hope for are portraits in the meanwhile. It's at least fun drawing again, and I can say with certainty the Intuos tablet works really great.


  1. The smilies committed genocide on the saddies?

    1. God well you just had to make everything dark didn't you? :)

    2. I suddenly realized that some people might take it the wrong way. I'm taking it down, just in case.

    3. Didn't mean to make it dark. :(

      Look, there's a saddie now!

    4. I think the darkest thing was the awfulness of the drawing. I really need to practice!
